Happy Tuesday, Bobcats! My son and I have been doing a lot of pickaxing, digging and hauling of dirt to help my husband finish a patio. It’s been a fun project that has gotten us all outside and moving together. I hope you are all continuing to do some fun activities with your families as well! We love hearing about what you’re up to! We miss being in PE with you all and my family really misses soccer games. Though we can’t play competitive sports or even really play with friends, remember what we always say about the type of improvements we strive for in PE. The competition is with yourself—it’s about achieving your PERSONAL BEST. So, whatever activity you enjoy, challenge yourself to improve. Pick an activity and set a goal. It can be a short term goal (like for the week) or even better, a longer term goal. Maybe you train to run that extra distance, hold your plank longer, or increase the times you juggle a soccer ball. Whatever y...