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Scavenger Hunt #2

Play as either an individual/a small group against others in your family or as a big family team and see how many points you can earn by completing the different challenges. If you complete one, check it off in the column on the right. Set an agreed-upon time limit for the game before you start. At the end of the time limit, add up your points and see how many you/your team earned. Be mindful of social distancing and stay away from playgrounds and public parks while playing. Good luck!

Find a rock bigger than your fist.

Perform 5 different balance poses at 5 different trees. Hold each pose still for 5 seconds.

Act out your favorite animal in the wild and have a family member be able to correctly guess what you are.

Roll sideways down a small hill.


Run in a zig-zag pathway by weaving around 10 different trees.

Find a pinecone and self-toss and catch it 30 times.

Hang from a low tree branch using both hands for 5 seconds with your feet off the ground.

Find a rock, lay it on the ground and cartwheel over it 5 times.


Build a small tipi out of sticks that can stay standing up all by itself.

Find 9 leaves and use them to create your own hopscotch board. 2 leaves side by side = 2 feet, 1 leaf by itself = 1 foot. Show off your jumping and hopping skills to get across!

Find a stick and draw a picture of something that makes you happy in the dirt with it.

Use the sun to help you figure out which way is north, south, east and west. Label the directions on the ground using rocks to spell out each cardinal direction.


 TOTAL POINTS: ____________________


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