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Simple Activities you can do at Home!

Hello to All!
We hope you are taking all the measures to keep you and your family safe and healthy! We also hope you are taking this time to spend some quality time together! Below we have listed a few ideas to keep you active from home with your families! The CDC recommends at least 60 minutes of  physical activity time daily! Without our awesome PE class and recess time, you may have to get creative! Try one or more of these activities a day to help maintain an active lifestyle!

Take a Hike! 
       -Or a walk! Getting outside as much as possible is great for everyone, even your pets! Taking a family walk around the neighborhood or in the back yard is a great way to get out and move. If you are able to go for a hike, there are many lovely local trails.

Create your own obstacle course!
    -Indoor or outdoor, creating an obstacle course is always a fun idea. You could use the furniture in your house or toys you have outside. Challenge each other to see who can complete the obstacle in the fastest time.

Follow the Leader!
   -This is a fun and simple activity that can be done anywhere! You could do this one in your back yard and even add movements as you move around the yard. Try some of the locomotor skills we have been working on in PE like; jogging, running, skipping, galloping, and sliding.

Clean-up Race!
     - Set a timer and see who can clean up their run the fastest! Or pick a chore to accomplish and see who can complete their chore the fastest.

Rock Paper Scissors with your BODY!
     -Play R-P-S with your body. Jump up and down three times and then choose ROCK-PAPER-or-SCISSORS. Rock feet are together. Paper feet are spread apart. Scissors feet are crossed.

   -Or just dance! Put some music on and get your groove on! You can turn it into freeze dance and have someone control the music. Every time you freeze you can call out how many body parts to freeze on!

Deal or No Deal!
  -Pick an exercise and give a number up to 20. The number should be an even number. If the person says DEAL, everyone does that exercise. If the person says no deal. ROCK-PAPER-SCISSORS. If the deal maker wins the exercise is doubled. If the deal maker loses the number is cut in half.
Deal or no deal 10 jumping jacks. Deal=10 jumping jacks. No Deal WIN= 20 jumping jacks. No deal lose=5 jumping jacks.
[Shoulder taps (push-up position, opposite hand to opposite shoulder), Burpees, Ab twist, wall jumps, line jumps, mountain climber, ___second plank, criss-cross (opposite elbow to opposite knee), bicycle kicks, crab kicks)

Scavenger Hunt!
 -Grab a few items and hide them around the house or outside. You could hide toys, cups or even shoes! If you are having trouble finding the items you can give each other clues or play hot and cold. Hot means you are getting close to the item. Cold means you are very far away from the item.

Hide and Seek!
   -You could simply play hide and seek. If you are outside you can play hide and seek tag. One person hides and when you find that person you have to tag them.When you tag them switch jobs. You can even add counting by using jumping jacks. After 10 jumping jacks try to find the other person!

Simon Says!
Playing simon says is always a fun activity. Try to trick your family members by saying the activity fast!

Tape a Shape!
-Tape shapes to the floor. Have one person be the leader and give out ways to move from shape to shape. Hop to the square. Bear crawl to the triangle. Jump over the circle. Walk backwards and touch each shape with your pinky toe. Crab walk to each shape and high five your foot when you get to the circle and square.
       More Tape Fun! -Add lines and create a long jump! Who can jump the furthest?
                                  -Create a hopscotch board
                                  -Create a race track for matchbox cars
                                  - Create a line to volley a ball back and forth (or balloon or socks!)

Word Toss!
   -Using paper/index cards/post-it notes tape all 26 letters on the wall. Create words by tossing a soft ball or pair of socks towards each letter.

   -Alternate between walking, jogging and running around your house. See if you can increase how many times you take a lap around your house each day!

Below is a nature scavenger hunt you could do in your back yard!
Back Yard Scavenger Hunt


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