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Game Ideas for PE Teachers

Warm-up Activities:
Remote Control- (JMU 2010 Flowers)
Equipment: None
Students find good personal space.  Begin with basic controls: play, pause, fast foward, rewind, mute, slow-mo.  Add t.v. shows/channels: NBA, sportscenter, animal planet, american idol, horse racing, baseball games.  Add some of the controls with the channels for extra fun!  Ex. cooking channel fast forward
Look up, Look down (C.Hinson) 
Equipment: None- Groups of 6-10 form a circle facing each other.  Teacher tells everyone to 'Look down' when 'Look up' is said, students look up and at only one student.  If the student you are looking at is looking back at you, you win!  Celebrate and run to the opposite circle.  Restart!  
Cardio Cornhole (C.Triolet)- 
Equipment:  2 beanbags and 2 polyspots for each game. (4 players per game/2 on each team)
Teams play against each other in a 'as fast as you can' cornhole game.  First player from each team throws their beanbag toward their polyspot.  1 point for tossing, 3 points if the bean bag is at rest and touching the spot.  Player that tosses sprints down to get their bean bag and communicates the point(s) earned to partner.  The partner tosses next and continues play until one team scores 21 points.
Variations:   Play to a higher score and give different point scores ex. play to 49 (3 points for toss, 7 for touching polyspot)
Play in push up position for upper body strength or complete a sit up and toss in sitting position to improve abdominal strength.  
Tag Games:
Germ Tag- 
Equipment: 1 tagging ball for each student
Talk about germs and the importance of hand washing.  Round 1:One person starts with the booger germs  and gets a tagging ball(green gator ball), once tagged, get an gator ball.  Continue play until almost everyone has contracted the germs!  Round 2:  If tagged, students have the choice of getting the germs (gross) or going to a fitness zone and doing a predetermined fitness task to represent washing your hands.  Once the student completes the task they may re-enter the game.  Discuss at the end why there were less germs in round 2.  
President Tag-(Spark) 
Equipment: None
Form groups of 4.  1 student is the president, 2 are the secret service and 1 is the paparazzi.  President and secret service hold hands and make a triangle facing inside the triangle.  On a 'Go' signal the paparazzi tries to tag the president without going through the middle of the triangle.  The secret service protects by moving in a circle.  Play for an specified amount of time and switch roles.
Variation:  President in the limo- Secret service line up with hands on shoulders and president at the end of the line.  Paparazzi facing the front of the limo and attempts to tag the president.     

Knee Tag- (JMU 2011)
Equipment: None Everybody is it!  To move students must have their hands on their stomach.  Students are trying to tag others' knees.  To be 'safe' students can cover their knee's with their hands.  If tagged, student kneels down and must get a double high five from any student to rejoin.  

Large Group Games:
Dommination (Nate Heath)
Equipment: 2 or more gym mats, 50+ gator skin balls, pinnies
Stand gym mats up in a circle formation to create two goals on each side of the field.  Create two teams and start each with gator skin balls.
 Objective:  to have your team score as many gator balls into your opponents goal
 Safe if you are on your side. if you cross into your opponents territory you may throw the ball into the goal. If tagged in opponents territory, drop the ball you have and must cross back onto your side immediately. Must get a ball from your team's territory.
Variations:  Allow students to pass to a teammate that is in the opponents territory that doesn't have a ball and hasn't been tagged.

Angry Birds Soccer:  
Equipment: soccer balls (1 per student preferred), 50-100 blocks or items that can be stacked, 1 hoop per team, 1 stuffed animal per group
Round 1-block earning:  Soccer balls are scattered on one side of the gym.  Students perform a soccer task (toe taps, inside of the foot)  After completing they get a block from center of gym and start piling earned blocks in their teams hoop.  Continue to earn until all blocks are gone.  Round 2- Building:  Groups will be given stuffed animals and will build structures  incorporating the animals.  Round 3- Destruction: Each student gets a soccer ball and on 'Go' signal they kick towards their opponent's structure.  Winning team is the group that has the angry bird left highest off the floor.  

Small Group Sport Specific Games:
Homerun Frisbee Derby:
Equipment:  4 bases and 1 frisbee per group
Set Up: Create a baseball field with the bases.  Have one tosser and the rest of the group will be the outfield
How To Play:  The thrower will toss the frisbee into the outfield (foul tosses apply if desired) and begin running the basses.  The outfield can get the runner out by catching out of the air.  If no catch occurs, the runner tries to score points by running each base in order.  One point for each base reached. (Don't stop running if you get back to home--Keep going!)
The outfield stops the running by having all players touch the frisbee.  Once everyone has touched the frisbee, the player tallies their score and the players rotate.  A new thrower will toss.  Play continues until a predetermined score happens or a time limit occurs.  
Ultimate Kan Jam:  Form two teams and play ultimate frisbee rules in combination with Kan Jam rules for extra movement!  


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